Welcome to the J. M. McDonald Foundation
The Foundation was created in 1952 by Mr. J. M. McDonald. For over 70 years, Trustees of the Foundation have sought to uphold J. M.’s desire to improve education and social programs in and around the upstate New York area.
Please browse our website for information regarding the foundation’s Mission, a bit of History about its Founder, J. M. McDonald, the Grant process, and the geographical Region served by the Foundation.
We are a small Foundation and do not provide applications for grants directly through the foundation. Please click the ‘Online Application Process’ button on any page for forms and information on the formal application process.
If you wish to contact the foundation for matters other than grant application, please email us: info@jmmmcdonaldfoundation.org.

J. M. McDonald Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 3219
Evergreen, CO 80437